
solution of copy and paste not working |右鍵不能使用複製/貼上功能的解決方法

今天在逛網頁時,忽然之間copy和paste功能都不能使用,而且連Ctrl + C /Ctrl+V也都無效。
我在網路上找了中英文的解決方法,但是沒有一個對我有用。似乎也找不到一個簡單明白的解決之道。我的問題是右鍵不能使用複製/貼上功能且Ctrl + C /Ctrl+V也都無效,不管是用Chorme或firefox瀏覽器都不能用,連記事本notepad也不能用複製和貼上功能。

  1. 按windows作業系統的”開始” 
  2. 到”所有程式”
  3. 移到”附屬應用程式” 
  4. 到”系統工具” 
  5. 按”排定的工作” 
  6. 把當天發生問題時的排定工作刪掉,就可以了。我刪掉二個RealUpgradeLogonTasks,一切就回到正常了。

English Version:
Solution of copy and paste not working.  Functions of copy / paste fail.
Can not copy and paste? You can try below:
  1. click your windows Start menu 
  2. go to All programs
  3. go to Accessories
  4. go to System Tools
  5. click Scheduled Tasks
  6. delete the tasks that have scheduled when you encountered this problem. As for me, I deleted two RealUpgradeLogonTasks  ( as the pic shows ) and everything is fine. The copy / paste work again.
If it does not work, go to control panel to remove any program upgrade that day and try again.
Hope it will help.
